I understand


General Use
Membership is required to use our hydrotherapy pool.
Health questions on the membership application form need to be completed and will be reviewed by a Chamwell Centre professional to determine the safety of the applicant for the hydrotherapy pool. From there visits to use the pool can be booked in as below for an individual or family swim.
We have tailored group sessions for adults, children and babies, including swim lessons throughout the week.
Email: Bookings@chamwellcentre.org.uk for a membership form.

Annual Membership

Hydrotherapy Family Membership
Hydrotherapy Individual Membership

Hydrotherapy Pool Use

Total of 1 hour: maximum 45 minutes in pool + change time

Swim per person
£7.00 each
Family of 4 Swim
£24.00 group
Additional Person (up to a maximum of 6 in group)
£7.00 each

Soft Play

1 hour

Per Child Up to 12 years (minimum age 1 year) ** Maximum height 148cm**
£7.00 each

Exclusive Hire

This is for your sole use of the facility. It is NOT a party booking.

Hydrotherapy Pool Complex
(maximum 19 people in the pool at any one time)

Lifeguard Provision - 1 hour
Total of 1 hour: max 45 minutes in pool + change time

Fully qualified lifeguard provision pool-side 1 hour

Soft Play
(maximum 14 children)
45 minutes

Meeting Room / Activity Space Hire

Bradbury Room 1
Bradbury Room 2
Meeting room (comfortably seats 20 with tables)
Meeting room (comfortably seats 12 round a table)
£28.00 per hour
£17.00 per hour
Hourly Rate for Hire for Charities- Bradbury 1
Hourly Rate for Hire for Charities- Bradbury 2
£18.00 per hour
£12.00 per hour

Children’s Party

Soft Play Party- maximum 14 children
1 Hour
Pool Party* - maximum 19 people in the pool (includes parent/carer)
Total of 1 hour: max 30-40 minutes in pool + change time

Prices from 1st January 2024
*Total time in hydrotherapy pool complex: 1 hour. Maximum 45 minutes hydrotherapy pool + 15 min change

Party food to be purchased from The Chamwell Centre Charity Café at an extra cost (see below) to be served in the Bradbury Suite, where available (30 minutes maximum). You are welcome to bring along a birthday cake to share with your guests, but please do not bring your own party food.

Children’s Party Menu

Choice of sandwich (ham, cheese, jam, tuna)
1 sausage roll
1 bag of Pom-Bear© crisps
1 small cake/biscuit
Fruit snack
Unlimited orange and blackcurrant squash
£6.50 per head

Other dietary requirements can be catered for – just ask when you book.

All prices inclusive of VAT

Help us to maintain our facilities

The Chamwell Centre was built entirely by charitable funding and will rely on the generosity of the public, businesses and charitable trusts to continue its work and to ensure that children and adults in Gloucestershire can enjoy its facilities.

How you can help:


Making a single donation or regular giving

Organising a fundraising event

Remembering The Chamwell Centre in your will